STEACS Publications
In order to obtain a copy of one of the listed technical reports or papers send an e-mail with your inquiry and full contact information to the STEACS group. BibTeX: Papers, Technical Reports
Conference Papers
- [ASHPF04]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger, M. Horauer, R. Pallierer and H. Friedl, "A MONITORING CONCEPT FOR AN AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTED NETWORK -
THE FLEXRAY EXAMPLE", 7th IEEE Workshop on Design & Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS 2004), Slovakia, April 18-21, pp.173--178, 2004. (PDF PrePrint)
- [ASHP04a]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger, M. Horauer and R. Pallierer "Design Trade-offs for Systematic Tests of Embedded Communication Systems",
Supplemental Volume to the 2004 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN2004), Florence - Italy, June 28 - July 1, pp.118--119, 2004. (PDF PrePrint)
- [ASHP04b]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger, M. Horauer and R. Pallierer "A Layer Model for the Systematic Test of Time-Triggered Automotive
Communication Systems", 5th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS2004), pp. 275-283, Vienna - Austria, Sept. 22 - 24, 2004. (PDF
- M. Horauer, F. Rothensteiner, M. Zauner, E.Armengaud, A. Steininger, H. Friedl and R. Pallierer "An FPGA based SoC Design for Testing
Embedded Automotive Communication Systems employing the FlexRay Protocol", Austrochip
2004, pp. 119-123, Villach - Austria, October 2004. ISBN: 3-200-00211-5 (PDF PrePrint)
- [PHS04]
- R. Pallierer, M. Horauer and A. Steininger "Monitoring and Fault-Injection of X-by-Wire Communication Networks", Design & Elektronik Tagungsunterlagen zum Entwicklerforum "Drahtlose und
drahtgebundene Netzwerke 2004", Munich - Germany, July 2004. (PDF PrePrint)
- [PHZSAR05]
- R. Pallierer, M. Horauer, M. Zauner, A. Steininger, E. Armengaud and F. Rothensteiner "A Generic Tool for Systematic Tests in
Embedded Automotive Communication Systems", Embedded World 2005
Conference, pp. 42-49, Nürnberg - Germany, February 2005. (PDF PrePrint)
- [ASH05a]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger and M. Horauer "A Method for Bit Level Test and Diagnosis of Communication Services", 8th Int. Workshop
on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS2005), Sopron - Hungary, pp. 69-74, April 2005. (PDF PrePrint)
- [ASH05b]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger and M. Horauer "A Flexible Hardware Architecture for Fast Access on Large Non-Volatile Memories", 8th
Int. Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS2005), Sopron - Hungary, pp. 113-120, April 2005.
(PDF PrePrint)
- [ARSPHZ05]
- E. Armengaud, F. Rothensteiner, A. Steininger, R. Pallierer, M. Horauer and M. Zauner, " A Structured Approach for the Systematic
Test of Embedded Automotive Communication Systems ", Int. Test Conference (ITC
2005), paper 2.1, Austin - Texas - USA, Nov. 2005. (PDF PrePrint)
- [ASH05c]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger and M. Horauer, "Efficient Stimulus Generation for Remote Testing of Distributed Systems - The FlexRay
Example", 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and
Factory Automation (ETFA 2005), Catania - Italy, pp. 763-770, Sept. 2005, ISBN: 0-7803-9402-X. (PDF PrePrint)
- [ASH05d]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger and M. Horauer, "An Efficient Test and Diagnosis Environment for Communication Controllers", Austrochip 2005 , Vienna - Austria, Oct. 2005. (PDF
- [ASH06]
- E. Armengaud, A. Steininger and M. Horauer, "Automatic Parameter Identfication in FlexRay based Automotive Communication Networks",
11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2006), Prague - Czech Republic, pp. 897-904,
Sept. 2006. (PDF PrePrint)
Technical Reports
- [TR-MemArch]
- E. Armengaud , F. Rothensteiner, A. Steininger and M. Horauer, "A Flexible Hardware Architecture for Fast Access to Large
Non-Volatile Memories", Technical Report, p.9, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-Req]
- R. Pallierer, "STEACS Requirements", Technical Report, p.13, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-GUI]
- M. Zauner, "GUI Requirements and Comparison", Technical Report, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-ToolsComp]
- E. Armengaud , “Comparison of Related Bus Diagnosis and Fault Injection Tools”, Technical Report, p.3, (Decomsys
Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-Concept]
- E. Armengaud , A. Steininger, M. Horauer and R. Pallierer, "Concept for a Systematic Test of the Communication Subsystem", Technical Report, p.42, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-OptRemDiag]
- E. Armengaud, F. Rothensteiner, A. Steininger, M. Horauer, M. Zauner and R. Pallierer, "Options for Remote Diagnosis in Automotive Distributed Networks", Technical Report, p.13, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-DiagReq]
- E. Armengaud , M. Horauer and A. Steininger, "Monitoring and Replay Hardware Requirements and Concepts", Technical Report, p.23, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-DiagSpec]
- E. Armengaud , M. Horauer and A. Steininger, "Monitoring and Replay Hardware Specification and Implementation", Technical Report, p.33, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-API]
- M. Zauner, "BusDoctor Dynamic Link Library API V2.0.9", Technical Report, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-DLL]
- M. Zauner, "Windows BusDoctor Driver DLL", Technical Report, p.38, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-Firm]
- F. Rothensteiner, "BusDoctor Firmware Specification", Technical Report, p. 39, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-Param]
- E. Armengaud, M. Horauer and A. Steininger, "Automatic Discovery of Communication Attributes for Distributed Systems", Technical Report, p.17, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-BitMon]
- E. Armengaud, M. Horauer and A. Steininger, "A Method for Bit Level Test and Diagnosis of Communication Services", Technical Report, p.9, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-TestVecGen]
- E. Armengaud , M. Horauer and A. Steininger, " (Automatic) Test Vector Generation Method for a Communication Subsystem in Distributed Systems ", Technical Report, p.11, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-Demo]
- M. Zauner, "Demonstrator Construction: Parts and Description”, Technical Report, p.22, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-TestEnv]
- F. Rothensteiner, M. Zauner, E. Schwaiger, E. Armengaud, "STEACS Test Environment", Technical Report, p.22, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-ClkSyncExp]
- E. Armengaud, "Clock Synchronization Test Campaign", Technical Report, p.6, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-ParamIDExp]
- E. Armengaud, "Parameter Identification Test Campaign", Technical Report, p.8, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.
- [TR-BusDoc]
- H. Friedl, "BusDoctor Functional Specification V1.0", Technical Report, p.24, (Decomsys Confidential), 2003-2005.