Directory and Page Structure
Directory Structure
Every menu item (this is true at least for top-menus) is kept in separate directories. Hence, for example,
all items related to R&D projects are kept in the directory 'projects'. Therein, you will find subdirectories for every project and the
top-level content pages that provides a summary for all of them (i.e. what you see when you click on 'Research & Development' in the top-menu).
Furthermore, there are two separate directories in the top-level folder:
- 'common' holds all common files with header, menu and footer information
- 'css' holds the CSS style file and the images in separate sub-directories for the respective sections topmenu, banner and the front-page
The following figure illustrates the directory stucture:
+ common + css + news + about + projects ............ + ag .............. + aims ........... - aims.php + ... + .. + demonstrator - aims.html - index.html + zelisko + ... - ... - index.php - projects.php + staff - aboutservices.html - projects.html - index.php - newsevents.html - sidebarmenu.html - index.html - index.html - sidebarmenu.html - maximuster.html