Dipl.-Ing. Peter Widhalm

Austrian Institute of Technology
TECHbase Vienna Giefinggasse 2
A-1210 Wien
www: http://www.ait.ac.at
Peter Widhalm studied "Software- and Information Engineering" and "Computational Intelligence" both at the University of Technology Vienna. Alongside his studies he worked on the planning, design and implementation of GEO information systems as a software engineer. From 2005 to 2009 he worked as software architect, lead developer, and consultant at UVD Business Consulting GmbH where he was responsible for the technical planning and design of complex software solutions. In 2009 he joined the team "Dynamic Transportation Systems" of the Mobility Department at the Austrian Institute of Technology. His work is mainly dedicated to the analysis of mobility information from videos. Furthermore, he manages and coordinates research projects in the fields of data quality and transport telematics.