Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Steinmair

Bluetechnix Mechatronische Systeme
Lainzerstr. 162/3
A - 1130 Vienna
tel : +43 (1) 914 20 91 - 0
fax: +43 (1) 914 20 91 - 99
www: http://www.bluetechnix.com
Daniel Steinmair was born 1976 in Innsbruck, Austria. After the technical high school in Bolzano, he started studying electrical and computer engineering at the University of Technology in Vienna. He has finished his master thesis "Development of a Hardware Platform for Autonomous Mobile Football-Robots” in 2006. From 2004 to 2007 he was working as scientific assistant at the Institute of Computer Technology at the Vienna University of Technology. In January 2008 he joined Bluetechnix as Hardware Developing Engineer.