
The eStick2 is the successor of the eStick and was developed by Phillip Brejcha, Roman Beneder and Michael Kramer in the context of the MA23 funded project ‘Embedded Platforms’. The eStick2 is a low-cost powerful embedded computing platform encompassing the following features:
NXP LPC1343 (32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller @ 72MHz; 32 kB FLASH; 8 kB SRAM; USB 2.0 full-speed MSC/HID device; UART; SSP, I2C; 10-bit ADC; Watchdog Timer; 4 General Purpose Timers/Counters; etc.)
controls 8 two colored (red/green) LEDs
interfaces to an accelerometer MMA7660
micro USB interface
several pins are available on the boards edge connector
allows debugging of the
NXP LPC1758 (32-bit ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller @ 100MHz; 512kB FLASH; 64kB SRAM; USB 2.0 full-speed device/HOST/OTG; 4 UARTs; CAN 2.0B; SPI; 2 SSP; 2 I2C; I2S; 12-bit ADC @ 200kHz; PWM; QEI; RTC; Watchdog Timer; 4 General Purpose Timers/Counters; etc.)
micro USB interface
Fast-Ethernet PHY
several pins are available on the boards edge connector
The eStick2 provides a compatible interface to the LPCXPRESSO BASE BOARD from Embedded Artists.
Power is supplied to the eStick2 board via a standard micro-USB cable as used by almost all smartphones nowadays.