The automotive industry is heading towards standardization. FlexRay and AUTOSAR are two important steps on the way to this goal. Decomsys developed within the context of this project workpackage an implementation of the Basic Software conforming to the AUTOSAR standard.

In this context our aim is to introduce a component based approach that will render and slice part of the implemented AUTOSAR modules into components. The latter will be implemented either in hardware or software in order to provide a set of choices for an optimal solution trading the non-functional properties performance, cost and dependability.
For our component model we use explicit connectors at the model level. This allows us to encapsulate the interaction and communication logic within the connectors thus reducing the complexity of the components themselfs. Furthermore, this will enable communication subsystem suppliers to provide the connectors off-the-shelf eventually reducing the development costs and increasing the reliability.
As a general approach we employ the following connector types to link the components (although we are aware that in paractice only some of these are usually considered):
- Synchronous Procedure Call
- Asynchronous Procedure Call
- Data Broadcast
- Blackboard Access
- Data Stream
The following graphic illustrates the composition diagram of a simple door-lock application showing the use of the component model using explicit connectors. Details can be found in the technical reports of the accordingt work-packages.