DETC2015b: Michael Kramer and Martin Horauer: Software Based Methods to Harden Embedded Software at Run-Time: A Survey, Volume 9: 2015 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2-5, 2015, DETC2015-47357, pp. V009T07A008; 5 pages doi:10.1115/DETC2015-47357, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5719-9
ICCVE14: Darya Bululukova and Michael Kramer: Application of Existing Wireless Power Transfer Standards in Automotive Applications, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo, November 3-7 2014, Vienna, Austria.
ETFA 2014b: Andreas Puhm, Michael Kramer, Patrick Moosbrugger, and Martin Horauer: Problems and solutions for refitting a sensor network with IEEE1588 clock synchronisation, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014), p. 7, September 16-19, Barcelona - Spain, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4846-8.
CENICS 2014: Harald Schuster, Martin Horauer, Michael Kramer, Heinz Leibhart, Josef Büger: A Log-Tool Suite for Embedded Systems, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS 2014), November 16-20, 2014 - Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.
MESA2012: Brejcha P., Beneder R., Kramer M.: A two stage approach for a cost-effective and versatile debugging unit and starter platform, MESA12 - The 8th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, July 8-10, 2012, Suzhou, China; Paper ID: 56.
EDUCON2012: Brejcha P., Beneder R., Kramer M.: Increasing the attractivity of embedded system courses, IEEE EDUCON Education Engineering 2012 - Collaborative Learning & New Pedagogic Approaches in Engineering Education, Marakesch, Marokko, April 17 - 20, 2012.
MESA2011: Kramer M., Beneder R., Brejcha Ph., and Balog P.: Dedicated Infrastructure for academic courses related to embedded systems design supporting students in distance learnign programs, Proceedings of the 7th International ASME/IEEE Conference on Mechatronics & Embedded Systems & Applications ASME/IEEE MESA 2011, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA; Paper ID: DETC2011/MESA-47843
EDUCON2011: Brejcha, Philipp; Beneder, Roman; Kramer, Michael: New approaches for a distance learning course about Embedded, IEEE EDUCON Education Engineering 2011 - Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education, JORDAN, AMMAN, April 04 - 06, 2011 (to be published)
EUROCON2011: Kramer, Michael; Beneder, Roman; Brejcha, Philipp: Reducing the entrance hurdle in Embedded System Engineering courses, The IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2011 International Conference on Computer as a Tool joint with the Conference on Telecommunications, LISBON, PORTUGAL, April 27-29, 2011, (to be published)
MESA 2008: Th. Reinbacher and M. Kramer and M. Horauer and B. Schlich: Motivating Model Checking of Embedded Systems Software, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications pp. 546-551, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2367-5.
SIES 2008: Reinbacher Th., Kramer M., Horauer M. and Schlich B.: Challenges in Embedded Model Checking - A Simulator for the [mc]square Model Checker, Proceedings of the 3th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2008), p.277-280, June 11-13, 2008, Montpellier.
MESA 2007: Zauner M., Kramer M. and Balog P.: TACKLING THE ABSTRACTION GAP FOR THE DESIGN OF EMBEDDED REACTIVE SYSTEMS USING ESTEREL - A CASE STUDY, Proceedings of the 3nd IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA07), Sept. 4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, USA, DETC2007-34561.
FFH 2007: Balog P., Kramer M., Zauner M.: Modellierung reaktiver Systeme mit Esterel, Tagungsband zum ersten Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH), veranstaltet von der österreichischen Fachhochschulkonferenz, 11. bis 12. April 2007, Puch bei Salzburg, österreich.