Test Tools
Using Embedded Systems technology, not only the functional aspects but also the temporal relations are of high importance. To that end, we will investigate various analysis tools that allow to assess timing properties of various function traces.
In the context of the project we develop a static worst-case execution time analysis (WCET) as well as a stack analysis solution based on OTAWA for our Cortex-M4 target platforms as used in the Infineon XMC RelaxKit and the Texas Instruments Tiva-C evaluation boards. Our solution works both standalone as a command-line tool, is however, also integrated alongside our Cloud-IDE. For the visualization, we develop a dot2json Python application that conveniently presents the results to the user using a WEB browser (a respective screenshot can be seen below).
Both, the WCET and stack analysis solutions as well as other relevant project results are avaliable as open-source hosted on GitHub.