WebSerial 3D IMU Visualizer

This website can be used to visualize IMU data after sensor fusion, e.g. for testing your IMU code.

Note: The necessary WebSerial API is only well-supported by Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Usage: Connect to a serial port (115200 8N1) receiving IMU data by pressing the Connect button.

The data is requried as lines matching the following regex:

^ROLL=([- ]?[0-9.]+) PITCH=([- ]?[0-9.]+) YAW=([- ]?[0-9.]+)$

Demo Mode: Press the Demo button to animate the drone.

Smartphone Demo: Scan this QR code to visualize the IMU movements of a smartphone:

Based on three.js

CrazyFlie 3D model adapted from Roberto Shu's Github