About Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Galla

Elektrobit Austria GmbH
Kaiserstrasse 45/1
A-1070 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-59983-0
Fax: +43-1-59983-18
eMail: (hidden)
Thomas M. Galla studied computer science at the Vienna University of Technology. He received the M.Sc. degree (with distinction) in 1995.
Between 1997 and 2000 Thomas M. Galla was employed as a research and a teaching assistant at the department of real-time systems, where he participated in the specification and the development of the time-driven communication protocol TTP. As the local project manager for the EU-funded Brite-Euram research project "X-By-Wire" he was mainly involved in the evaluation and validation of x-by-wire systems in the automotive domain. In February 2000 he received the Ph.D. degree (with distinction).
In September 2000 Thomas M. Galla joined DECOMSYS, Vienna/Austria, now Elektrobit Austria GmbH, where he headed the tools develoment team for more than one year. At the time being he is responsible for all technological concepts within DECOMSYS and acts as the representant of the company within standardization bodies and consortia like AUTOSAR and the ASAM FIBEX working group.