ToRaDes - Toolbox for Rapid Design of Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies

ToRaDes - Toolbox for Rapid Design of Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies
In course of the ToRaDes project (Toolbox for Rapid Design of Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies),
resources and infrastructure for easy application and adaptation of modern building automation solutions
and assistive technology for people with disabilities are developed and applied in academic teaching at the UAS Technikum Wien.
ToRaDes project details
Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies are tailored, interoperable electronic products operating in the immediate (living-) environment
of people, to enhance their quality of life. Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Embedded Systems is a
key aspect of Smart Homes and modern assistive tools.
- The ToRaDes project strengthens the Research and Development focus for Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies of the UAS Technikum Wien and is devoted to developing a hardware and software toolbox for efficient User Centered Design of assistive solutions.
- This Toolbox is evaluated with end users (people with disabilities, their relatives or carers) to explore meaningful and workable combinations of Smart Homes and Assistive Technology solutions and to enable improvements of existing technology.
- The Research and Development results are processed subsequently in such a way that a transfer of the acquired know-how into teaching activities of the UAS Technikum Wien becomes possible. This integration takes place in the existing degree programs as well as in the new bachelor's degree program Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies, and involves project staff members as well as students and study assistants.
- By building prototypes and laboratory models, the results can be effectively applied in the context of numerous courses and publications.
By implementing the Toolbox for Rapid Design of Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies, the UAS Technikum Wien fosters existing efforts in the sector of Assistive Technologies and thereby creates a role model for the current educational landscape of Vienna. Modern AT also facilitates gender-atypical interests and fields of activity: For example, technology-oriented boys and men come into contact with social issues and impacts, while girls and women are encouraged to develop interest for information- and communication technology through its clear application-oriented aspects.
The ToRaDes project is funded by the City of Vienna, Department MA23
The duration of the project is from Sept. 2016 to Aug. 2019.