WBT - Knowledge Hub for Accessible Technologies

WBT - Knowledge Hub for Accessible Technologies
The Knowledge Hub for Accessible Technologies ("Wissensdrehscheibe Barrierefreie Technologien - WBT") promotes barrier-free information- and communication technologies
and thereby contributes to an inclusive society. As a mediator between companies, research institutions, care providers and users ("need-knowers"), the knowledge hub creates awareness
of the possibilities and advantages of Assistive Technologies (AT), Active & Assisted Living (AAL) and accessible design of information.
Company partners are supported in the design of their own products and in the equipment of workplaces - thereby opening up new target groups.
In addition, new solutions are developed in small projects - for example to support a specific person with computer access or to implement a
concept for a barrier-free company homepage.
Project details
The Knowledge Hub for Accessible Technologies establishes a center for the exchange of competences
for solutions in the area of accessibility through digital technologies. An online platform collects
extensive information on the subject of accessibility, focusing on the Vienna region. Assistive technologies and AAL projects developed at the
UAS Technikum Wien are presented to a broad audience of different stakeholders. Through these measures, the UAS Technikum Wien establishes
itself as a competent partner in the field of AAL and AT and lays a cornerstone for future project cooperation and research partnerships.
Through the intensive exchange with companies, users and other stakeholders, practice-relevant research topics for collaborations are identified.
Modern concepts for knowledge transfer are implemented (practical workshops, interactive online platform) that can also be used in course of lectures at the UAS
Technikum Wien. In addition, company contacts and project cooperations create opportunities for students to carry out their academic projects in a practical environment
and to establish contacts with companies in relevant professional fields.
This project is funded by the City of Vienna, Department MA23 under project number 26-02
The duration of the project is from Sept. 2019 to Aug. 2023.