
The heterogeneous landscape of IoT devices poses new challenges to the deployment of honeypots that still need to be solved. So far no generic honeypot framework exists that is capable of attracting attacks for the wide variety of hardware and software architectures. By combining real world device information and virtualization techniques, we aim to build AutoHoney(I)IoT, a framework that automatically creates target device tailored honeypots for the (Industrial) Internet of Things which are capable of convincing an adversary that she actually breached a real device instead of a decoy. This is a joint project between Vienna University of Technology, SBA Research, Trustworks GmbH and the UAS Technikum Vienna.

This project is funded by the Austrian Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG, under the Bridge-1 Young Scientists Programm.

Project Duration: July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022