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author = {Alexander Haubner},
title = {{Entwurf eines Roboterarmes mit sieben Freiheitsgraden}},
institution = {ArT-Lab@Research Group Embedded Systems, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jan,
abstract = {Roboterarme sind in der Robotik nichts Neues. Sie werden bereits vielfach in der Industrie verwendet.
Seit kurzem erhalten sie allerdings auch Einzug in private Haushalte. Hier sollen Roboterarme Menschen mit Behinderungen
eine Hilfe in alltäglichen Situation, wie beispielsweise das Greifen und bewegen von Gegenständen, sein. Dafür müssen die
Roboterarme der Industrie an einigen Punkten angepasst werden. Sowohl die Größe als auch die Umgebung sind wichtige
Kriterien. In einem Haushalt ist es besonders wichtig, dass der Roboterarm sich an ändernde Umgebungen anpassen
kann und entsprechend die nötigen Sensorik besitzt. Weiters müssen die Greifarme für den privaten Haushalt möglichst
mobil sein. Hier spielen Größe und Gewicht eine wichtige Rolle.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Realisierung des mechanischen Teils eines Roboterarmes mit sieben Freiheitsgraden,
welcher im Zuge einer nicht fertig gestellten Masterarbeit entworfen und gefertigt wurde.
Die Forschungsaufgabe ist einen Roboterarm in menschlicher Größe zu realisieren, welcher am Ende der Arbeit bereit
für die Konfiguration der noch zu entwickelnden Software ist. Das Ganze erfolgt unter dem Aspekt diesen kostengünstig
zu realisieren.
Der Roboterarm soll weiters so stabil sein, dass er ein Gewicht von 1 kg für unbegrenzte Zeit in einer waagrechten
Position, parallel zum Boden, halten kann.
Eine der behandelten Aufgabenstellungen ist der Zusammenbau der einzelnen Komponenten. Dazu wird im Zuge dieser Arbeit
auf die einzelnen Gelenke, der Schulter, dem Ellenbogen und dem Handgelenk eingegangen. Dies soll einen Überblick über
die benutzte Hardware und das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Komponenten geben und als Hilfestellung für künftige Veränderungen
Dazu wird in dieser Arbeit auf die verwendeten Komponenten wie die verschiedenen Motoren, Encoder, Verkabelung und
Mikrocontroller eingegangen sowie die verwendete Drucktechnik beschrieben.
Durch die Installation der noch zu realisierenden Software soll sich der Roboterarm frei in alle Richtungen bewegen
können. Die Software soll dabei die sieben Motoren unabhängig voneinander ansteuern.
Der Greifarm wurde im Zuge dieser Arbeit erfolgreich assembliert. Ebenso wurde die Hardware überprüft und ersten
Tests unterzogen.}
author = {David Lechner},
title = {{Personal Noise Assistant}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jan,
abstract = {Eine hohe Lärmbelastung im Arbeitsalltag führt zu Stress, welcher sich negativ auf den physischen und psychischen Zustand des Angestellten auswirkt. Des Weiteren führt dies zu einer Verminderung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit sowie der Produktivität. Doch oftmals wird diese Problem jedoch unterschätzt, sodass nicht rechtzeitig gegen diese Belastung vorgegangen wird und so auch die Gesundheit gefährden wird.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Realisierung eines IoT-Systems, bestehend aus einem IoT-Gerät namens Thingy:52, einer Smartphone App für Android und einem Webservice, wodurch Bewusstsein für die Lärmbelastung in einem Arbeitsumfeld geschaffen werden soll. Das Thingy:52 hat ein integriertes Mikrofon, sowie ein Bluetooth Low Energy Chip und eine RGB LED. Es kann daher konstant den Geräuschpegel messen und diesen an das Smartphone senden. Durch das Konfigurieren kann ein Ampelsystem-Feedback mit dem Thingy:52 und der App geschaffen werden. Das Webservice speichert die gemessen Daten in einer für IoT optimierten Datenbank, InfluxDB, für weitere Auswertungen.}
author = {Patrik Harner},
title = {{Fingerprint I/O System Software}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jan,
abstract = {Home automation is increasingly being offered by various manufacturers, in order to meet the
high demand and to remain competitive. These ready-made and purchasable solutions are
complemented by open source projects from many sectors, such as the maker scene. These
freely available systems are implemented in order to remain independent of manufacturers and
to maintain flexibility in the design of the automation system. In automation, security systems
are also included to enable keyless access systems that can be integrated into the smart home
in accordance with high security standards. This paper deals with a modular software library for
ATMEL chips (especially for Arduino). It should provide a simple, extensible and customizable
alternative to build access systems. Safety standards are adhered to and an optical fingerprint
sensor is used for authentication. The fingerprint sensor enables keyless opening of doors,
garages and other things. A realization of an alarm system is also possible through the wireless
communication with MQTT. In addition, records can be read without accessing the controller
in order to build a pure island solution. Safety and reliability of the system are the focus. The
software is tested using a demonstration setup, in order to ensure that the required properties
are met.}
author = {Simon Pumberger},
title = {{Geschäftsmodellentwicklung für ein Active and Assisted Living Produkt im Bereich Notrufsysteme für die Wien Energie GmbH}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = mar,
abstract = {There are currently about 400.000 people living in Vienna aged over 60 years. This number will increase to 600.000 by 2050. This circumstance is a call for intensive efforts to enable this group of people ageing in dignity and autonomy. Assisitive technologies are based on this basic idea and offer solutions that support the elderly in their everyday activities. On the one hand, Wien Energie GmbH is seeing a high potential for AAL products and on the other hand, a social responsibility to advance this field of research. For this reason, this paper deals with the development of a business model for potential AAL products for Wien Energie GmbH. The entire product development cycle, from the market analysis through to the check of profitability, will be completed and takes the company one step further in the direction of beeing an AAL provider.}
author = {Nathalie Hofmann},
title = {{Vergleich ausgewählter Smart Home- Systeme anhand proprietärer und quelloffener Visualisierungsmethoden}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jan,
abstract = {This paper has set itself the objective of comparing four selected smart home systems based on their user interfaces. Since technology is advancing at an increasing rate, smart homes are becoming more and more common. However, although their positive aspects go beyond con- venience and cost-savings, they still have to face some challenges. Because of the fact that most of the systems can be controlled directly by consumers, it is really important to choose a user-friendly user interface. The systems homee, BUTTON, Home Assistant and openHAB ser- ved as the selected test environments. Two methods were used in this study: the systems were explored and a usability inspection was carried out. The two approaches produced different results that can be used to improve the usability of the systems.}
author = {Simon Pumberger},
title = {{Fingerprint I/O-System Hardware}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jan,
abstract = {Home automation is becoming increasingly popular. Smart home solutions offer many advan- tages and can make everyday life much easier. Such relief is provided, for example, by an intelligent door lock, which makes the usage of a conventional key obsolete. This eliminates the risk of an unwanted lockout or even of loosing the key itself, which often necessitates a costly replacement of the lock cylinder. This paper deals with the development of a hardware prototype for a biometric access system using a fingerprint sensor. The focus is on simple reproducibility with the technical means typically found in the maker scene. With the help of this work, the system can be recreated by ambitious people and implemented in their own homes. Attention was paid to adequate safety standards and reliable operation. To cover as many applications as possible, the system is based on an expandable structure, and through an OpenHAB binding it is possible to integrate it into an existing smart home environment.}
author = {Alexander Haubner},
title = {{Entwurf eines "Embedded System" zur Steuerung von einem Roboterarm mit sieben Freiheitsgraden}},
institution = {ArT-Lab@Research Group Embedded Systems, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jun,
abstract = {Free motion in a 3-dimensional room and reaction to obstacles is an important skill for robotic arms. In a previous thesis, a robotic arm with seven degrees of freedom was designed and assembled. Controlling seven control boards with seven engines at the same time to reach a specific point in a 3-dimensional room is a challenge. Another problem is the cabling between the control boards and between the control boards and the connected engines, position encoders and temperature sensors. This thesis focuses on the software aspect as well as the cabling of the individual components. The software was written with the aim to prove that the hardware is working correctly and making extensions easy to implement. For the cabling, different methods were evaluated. It was found that the software and hardware components function as expected and the robotic arm moves freely in a 3-dimensional room. Furthermore, it was found that the motors are not strong enough to keep the arm stable.}
author = {Nathalie Hofmann},
title = {{Micro Offerings: Demonstration eines BIGIoT- Anwendungssystems}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jun,
abstract = {The aim of this paper is to present a corresponding use case for the BIG IoT system and to test it by means of its developed functionalities. With a rise in the number of connected devices the internet of things evolves into one of the most promising business models of the future. Although the idea itself isn’t entirely new, the IoT hasn’t been used up to its full potential yet. The main reason being missing standards and the interoperability which relies on these. The BIG IoT system is meant to overcome this gap and as part of this project a Raspberry Pi equipped with a temperature sensor, a camera module and two servo motors has been used to generate the wanted data. The purpose of this research project is to continue using and visualising the data via an Android application that is used as a data sink. The methodical approach of this paper is limited to the creation of a functioning demonstrator and the presentation of the research results.}
author = {David Lechner},
title = {{Smart vehicles as moving air quality measurement equipment}},
institution = {Smart Homes und Assistive Technologien, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jun,
abstract = {The problem of air pollution is a very long time present and organisations, govermenments and other institutions are doing their best to improve the air quality. In order to take appropriate actions, it is essential to be aware of the current air pollution situation. This could be provided with a detailed geographical map. According to that, many measurements at different places are needed.
This bachelor paper deals with an implementation of an IoT prototype that tries to solve the problem. Therefore a sensorboard, consisting of an ESP32 microcontroller and a BME680 air quality sensor, is built-in a vehicle. The measurements are sent over WiFi and MQTT to a gateway, which is in the vehicle too. After enriching the data packet with location information, it is transmitted over LTE to a cloud. For the presentation to the user, a JavaScript-Framework called Leaflet is used, which displays the datapoints in a heatmap.
The great benefit of this system is, that measurements can be taken wherever vehicles can be. As a result, the map represents a very accurate situation of the air quality. Planner and engineers can use this map for example urban development or user applications. Though the BME680 sensor seems not to be suitable for this particular purpose, because it only provides a calculated index of air quality. CO2, NO2 and particulate matter percentage would be more interesting.}
author = {Stefan Stockinger},
title = {{Implementierung einer quelloffenen Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung für PV-Anlagen als Beitrag zur Energiewende}},
school = {ArT-Lab@Research Group Embedded Systems, FH Technikum Wien},
year = {2018},
month = jun,
abstract = {Due to subsidies at state and federal level as well as steadily decreasing module prices, the con-
struction of photovoltaic (PV) systems in Austria is becoming increasingly popular, also for private
individuals. The expansion of renewable energies and decentralized electricity generation opens
new opportunities and challenges both for utilities and private PV plant owners. For this reason, the
impact of the expansion of renewable energies on grid stability is examined in this thesis.
The profitability of the system increases with the self-consumption rate. But even for electrical grid
operators, a high self-consumption rate is desirable. There are a variety of devices and manufacturers
that can be used to optimize self-consumption, which are briefly explained in this thesis. A major
challenge in this field is the common language and the missing communication standard between the
different devices and technologies. For this reason, these devices often offer only limited possibilities
and still cause high initial costs. Therefore, based on OpenHAB2, an open source and vendor-
independent energy management system for self-consumption optimization was implemented, which
can be used cost-effectively, flexibly and technology-independently.
In addition, a demonstration model was planned and then built as a prototype. More precisely, a
sun-adjusting mini PV system was developed and built, which implements the developed energy
management system. Different scenarios for load shifting of consumers in the household were also
developed and implemented. The resulting software solution was finally tested and evaluated directly
on the demonstration model.
To increase students’ interest in this topic, this demonstration model should serve as a training object,
so that they can develop a problem awareness for this topic.}
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